
Showing posts from August, 2022

Destiny's View: 25 Year Bet On Technology

  Kevin Kelly was Wired's executive editor back in 1995 and decided to interview author Kirkpatrick Sale but Kelly planned an ambush. Kelly hated Sale's book and outlook on technology throughout the book. He believed that Sales thesis insulted the world. The interview overall was controversial because of their split and opposite views on the subject. Sale just believed that technology could be the collapse of society while Kelly saw the opposite and technology as an opportunity for society to flourish.      Kelly came to the apartment with the intention of betting Sale. He arrived with a $1,000 check to make a bet with Sale. The bet was that by 2020 we wouldn't be in a disaster due to technology. Both gentlemen agreed to this bet. In May 2020, Kelly and Sale settled on the terms of the decision. They split their thoughts into categories. When it came down to the economic collapse, Sale believed that money would be considered worthless in 2020, which we all know to no...

Destiny's Thoughts: Writing in a New Way

      After reading both articles, it puts in perspective for me that the world technology is moving at a rapid pace. One day we will be surrounded by screens left and right. I think technology overall is a positive and that it helps everyone gain more information. I think because of it I'm more knowledgeable than I would be if I didn't have it at the tip of my fingers whenever I want. I also can see where technology could become an issue because people's lives get so invested into it. I'm not even used to shopping for clothes in the store because I'm so used to online digital shopping. I consider it just more convenient in my busy schedule. Advancement in technology has both pros and cons. Reading In A Whole New Way  gave me a different outlook on technology and that soon we will live I a world surrounded by screens.

Destiny's Digital Discovery

   One of my first memorable digital memories growing up was the use of Youtube. Youtube has endless viral videos. As kids before I had a phone, my sister and I would spend the day watching music videos and parody music videos on our home's desktop computer. Some of our best laughs growing up came from those videos. Today, I can watch the same type of content on my phone and not just on YouTube, but through the social media platforms.